POLYPHONIA Project Outcomes

The successful implementation of the POLYPHONIA Project aims to deliver concrete outputs in the long term.

Regarding the social/environmental maturity of the POLYPHONIA Project, the Project raises social awareness on the importance of preserving key aspects of the cross-border intangible heritage such as the polyphonic song, while the environmental impact of the Project is expected to be equally positive, since the tourists attracted to the cultural heritage of the area, will be encouraged to cherish and appreciate the physical environment where polyphonic music originated and evolved.

All POLYPHONIA main outputs were designed to be further used once the Project has been finalised. Specifically, the Repository of Polyphonic Music comprise a dynamic database of polyphonic music, available to public and private educational institutions, and also available via the internet platform for individual users. The Thematic Route, the Cultural Brand, the Cultural Atlas and the Study on the preservation of polyphonic music and the development of cultural tourism, will also be widely used even after Project completion by all Project Beneficiaries and target groups.


  1. The POLYPHONIA Centers and the Virtual Reality Museum/Exhibition reflect on the cultural value of the polyphonic song, as well as its tourism potential, providing supportive services for the different stakeholders in these respects. The Centers will remain in the selected municipalities, after the completion of the Project, aiming at operating permanently, so as to ensure the long-lasting effects of the Project.
  2. The Augmented Reality Tourist Guide Application and the Internet Platform are ICT (Information and communications technology) tools that will be available after Project’s completion, with the support of the Lead Beneficiary Project Beneficiary 2, respectively.
  3. The activity of the Polyphonic Caravan will be filmed and made available to the public through the Platform, so as to capture this original effort to unite the residents of the cross-border area, under the diachronic emblem of polyphonic music. The POLYPHONIA Network will be responsible for establishing the Caravan as a permanent happening.
  4. The creation of a cross-border network, bringing together polyphonic groups, local and regional authorities, Cultural Associations, Investment Agencies, Tourist Agents and individuals who are interested in the topic, will ensure the sustainability of the Project and the dissemination of its results.
  5. A Memorandum of Cooperation has already been signed by all Project Beneficiaries to institutionalise the POLYPHONIA Festival and Conference, as a springboard of an effort which aims at establishing culture as a source of inspiration and creativity addressed to all citizens and guests of the cross-border region.
  6. A sustainability analysis will be elaborated to assess the durability and sustainability of the Project outputs.

Overall, POLYPHONIA is designed to have secured funding and commitment of stakeholders to ensure its tangible outputs’ durability.

All Project main outputs are designed to be applicable and replicable by other Entities located within or outside the Programme area. POLYPHONIA could principally provide the incentive for the development of Projects centered on the polyphonic music tradition of other areas. The transferability of Project outputs and the possibility to have a follow-up will be highly promoted by the Operation of the Centers and the Network which will undertake the dissemination of Project outputs, and through the heterogeneity, mobilisation and commitment of their members, penetrating in broader areas, they will pave the way for future and similar initiatives at a cross-border and multilateral cooperation level.